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Serving Kerr County with a Conscience

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Citizens of Kerr County determine our priorities. Our compass is your insight and suggestions.


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Expanding aggregate operations are cause for concern throughout Kerr County. The cumulative effects of numerous rock and gravel quarries, a sand mine, hot mix asphalt plants, and rock crushers present high risks to health, the environment, and residents’ safety.

Guadalupe River

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Kerr County citizens take great pride in the Guadalupe River. Changes in the river’s flood plain, allowing development along its banks, an industrial corridor promoted by Kerrville’s 2050 plan, and quarry operations adjacent to the river are causing irreparable and ongoing damage to the county’s greatest asset.

Air Quality

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The Hill Country’s claim of clean, clear air no longer applies for swaths of Kerr County. Citizens see dust clouds and smell noxious fumes hovering over quarry sites, blowing across roadways and into residential areas. Microscopic airborne particles of silica and other carcinogens are unseen, but pose greater health risks. Heavy equipment and gravel truck exhausts add to CO2 emissions throughout the county.

Clean Water

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a lowering of single family, private property values;

potential loss of life and property by ignoring wise floodplain management;

a loss of rural character; and

a downward spiral in our quality of life in Kerr County, Texas.

To safeguard the health of all residents by insuring access to clean air and pure water for EVERYONE.

To conserve and preserve our natural resources—the land and its wildlife—for future generations.

To place more emphasis on tourism as economic development, instead of runaway building.

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